Artist Statement

 My partner once said to me, “Isn’t it strange that in order to fall asleep we have to close our eyes and pretend to be sleeping?” When I make work I am “pretending” to search for the connective tissue between the real and imagined world. My process begins by searching the world of light and shapes that surround me. I spend my time looking for the ineffable in common moments, The light hitting the curtains in the morning, the expression of a loved one as we drink tea together, the changes in the flow of the current in the river near my house. I jot down notes, make sketches, preparing myself to look inward. 

 In my studio I dance with the wonder and beauty that I've gathered throughout the day. On the canvas I weave intuitively chosen colors into shape, light relationships, always in response to the warm or cool ground of the surface that I have prepared. My paintings are built up over many sittings. Each time I approach the canvas with a willingness to let go of the past, bury the marks. These surfaces ultimately for me are signs of life, of the path towards letting go, finding the beauty in change and sometimes uncovering hidden meanings.